싱가포르 EP, S pass의 2022년 예산안

Budget 2022 Announcements on Employment Pass and S Pass moves

Budget 2022 Announcements on Employment Pass and S Pass moves

싱가포르 EP, S pass의 2022년 예산안

The Budget Statement 2022 outlined foreign workforce policy moves at the Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass level to strengthen the complementarity between our local and foreign workforce. Details of these moves can be found at here. 

On EP and S Pass Policy Changes

FAQ 1. What does it mean by “the changes will apply to new applications from 1 September 2022 and to renewals from 1 September 2023”?

New EP/S Pass applications that are submitted to MOM from 1 September 2022 onwards will be subject to the new EP/S Pass qualifying salary.

For renewal applications, existing EP/S Pass holders whose passes are expiring from 1 September 2023 will be subject to the new EP/S Pass qualifying salary.


FAQ 2.  Will businesses have greater clarity on upcoming changes to the EP/S Pass qualifying salary?

With the setting of clear benchmarks for EP and S Pass holders, businesses can expect regular updates to the EP and S Pass qualifying salaries based on local PMET and APT wage trends.

MOM will regularly review the EP and S Pass qualifying salaries and announce any changes to the qualifying salaries, taking into account prevailing economic conditions.


FAQ 3.  What should businesses do if their existing EP/S Pass holders are unable to meet the updated qualifying salary in the future?

Businesses may consider reviewing the salaries for their workforce, since the EP/S Pass qualifying salaries are benchmarked to local salaries. Businesses should do this fairly and ensure that they have merit-based pay practices, in line with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP).

Businesses may also consider if workforce adjustments are necessary. For example, businesses can apply for a more appropriate work pass type for foreign employees who are unable to meet the updated qualifying salary. When replacing workers who have resigned, businesses should consider local candidates or higher-calibre EP/S Pass holders.


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