1. Highly Developed Business Center in the World
1. Highly Developed Business Center in the World
Singapore has established a financial centre of international repute and offers a broad range of financial services.
2. International Financial Hub
2. International Financial Hub
Singapore has retained its position as the largest foreign exchange centre in the region.
3. World’s easiest place to do business
3. World’s easiest place to do business
Singapore is ranked 2nd among 190 economies in the ease of doing business, according to the latest World Bank annual ratings.
4. Transparent and Consistent Policies
4. Transparent and Consistent Policies
Singapore is a safe, pro-business environment which supporting by a government with transparent and consistent policies.
5. There are many other Advantages and Benefits, such as :-
5. There are many other Advantages and Benefits, such as :-
• Excellent Tax Benefit and Exemption
• Built as a brand to conduct business
• Double Tax Agreements
• There is no Dividend or Capital Gains Tax
• High Quality of Life
[Singapore] Types Of Singapore Companies >>
[Singapore] Singapore Company Formation >>
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