[Hong Kong] Bank Account Opening

Hong Kong Bank Account opening – Hong Kong is one of the members of “FATF”(Financial Action Task Force), The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has established a regulatory framework in line with international standards of risk management to all licensed banks.  Therefore, the banker has the obligation to do proper “KYC” (Know Your Customer) to new clients comply with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing principle.

Obligation Private Limited Company Branch Office (Non-Hong Kong company) Representative Office
From KYC (Know Your Customer) •Director/Shareholder •Director/Shareholder •Representative Office
CDD (Customer Due Diligence) •Director/Shareholder/Authorized Signatory‘s passport and latest address proof (issued within 3 months) •Director/Shareholder/Authorized Signatory‘s passport and English address proof •HKID Card, passport and Hong Kong address proof (issued within 3 months) •Certificate of Representative Office and Authorized signatory’s passport and latest address proof (issued within 3 months)
SCR (Register of Significant Controller) •Required •Not required •Not required
Corporate Documents •Certificate of Incorporation •Business Registration Certificate •Articles of Association •Form NNC1 •Board minutes/Resolutions •Overseas head-office corporate documents if applicable (notarized copy of attorney required) – If the parent company is a listed company, it can be replaced with a certificate of listing •Annual Return (Form NAR1) required for establishing more than one year. vAll Directors and Authorized Signatories must visit Hong Kong Bank and verify their identity. For Shareholders will be varied by bank. •Certificate of Registration of Non-Hong Kong Company •Business Registration Certificate •Articles of Association •Form NN1 •Board minutes/Resolutions •Corporate documents of head-office (must be certified by a Lawyer/Notary Public) – If the parent company is a listed company, it can be replaced with a certificate of listing •Annual Return (Form NN3) required for establishing for more than one year. vDirectors of head-office, Hong Kong branch and the signing party must visit Hong Kong Bank and verify their identity. For Shareholders will be varied by bank. •Business Registration Certificate •Hong Kong Tax Bureau Form 1(b) notarized documents •Certificate and address proof of liaison office •Passport and address proof of authorized signatory •Corporate documents of head-office(certified by a Lawyer/ Notary Public) – If the parent company is a listed company, it can be replaced with a certificate of listing vDirector of head-office, the representative of the Hong Kong Liaison Office and Authorized Signatory must visit the Bank of Hong Kong to verify their identity.

[Hong Kong] Annual Return Submission >>

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Hong Kong Bank Account opening


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