About Hong Kong
Mid-point of Asia "Hong Kong"
- less than 4 hours’ away to all of Asia’s key markets
- 5 hours by plane to half of the world’s population
Simple and Low Tax System
- Sales Tax
- Withholding Tax
- Estate Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Dicidends
Robust Legal System
Hong Kong’s judiciary
- Quality
- Independence
- Respect for the rule of law
Hong Kong’s commercial and property laws are
- Trusted
- Robust
- Aligned to global standards
This international scope ensure investors are involved in international commercial transactions will find the laws familiar and easy to navigate
Why Hong Kong?
- Simplify Business Set-up for Foreign Business owners
– Easy to set up H.K. Company, no restriction on foreigners
- Premier Strategic Location
– Heart of Asia, Multicultural Cities, Diverse workforce
- Clean Governance
– Fair Business, Low Crime Rate, Safe & Secure
- Gateway To China
– CEPA brings New Business, Perfect Springboard for a foreign Investor
- Low, simple and competitive tax regime
- World Class Infrastructure
– Easiest cities to transport around worldwide
– Continuously develop and upgrade its infrastructure
– Exhibition and Convention Centre
- Free Port In Overseas Trading Business
– Free trade zone
– Asia hub of import, export and storage
- Efficient Market
– Experienced and well-connected talented person
We are regularly holding webinars. To make the dream of starting your overseas business come true with us.
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