Corporate income tax filing extend to 30th June 2022
The number of positive cases is rising rapidly recently. The Ministry of Finance urgently announced on 27th April 2022 that, considering the possibility of the spread of the epidemic caused by the crowds to the IRS in a short period of time, the income tax declaration will be extended by one month to the end of June. This is the extend the period for three consecutive years due to the pandemic. The extension applies both corporate income tax and personal income tax.
Supporting documents that should be submitted for online tax declarations have also been extended until July 11. However, the tax refund period remains unchanged. The first batch of tax refunds will be credited to the account on July 29, when the public submits online declarations or online confirm tax calculations in June.
FAQ 1.When is the extended deadline for income tax return due to COVID-19 for the taxable year 2021?
The deadline of income tax return has been extended from May 31st to June 30th, 2022 for the taxable year 2021.
FAQ 2. Are both individual and corporate income tax return subject to the extended deadline?
Yes, both individual and corporate income tax return are subject to the extended deadline, June 30th, 2022.
FAQ 3. What is the other tax incentives for COVID-19?
Corporates can also consider the VAT refund if its sales seriously impacted by COVID-19 and dropped significantly.

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