1. What should I do if would like to change of Company Name?
You should deliver the notice by Form NNC2 (Notice of Change of Company Name) to Companies Registry and in Hong Kong within 15 days once passed the Special Resolution by the Company.
2. Is there any restriction to change of company name?
There are some restrictions on the registration of company names. Generally speaking, a company name will not be registered if:
a) it is the same as a name appearing in the Index of Company Names kept by the Registrar of Companies (“the Registrar”);
b) it is the same as that of a body corporate incorporated or established under an Ordinance;
c) in the opinion of the Registrar, its use would constitute a criminal offence; or
d) in the opinion of the Registrar, it is offensive or otherwise contrary to the public interest.
Source: Companies Registry
3. How long should it take for change of company name?
It will take around 4 working days for receipt Companies Registry approval.
4. Any documents to prove the company name changed?
Once Companies Registry approved change of Company Name, Certificate of Change of Name will be issued and Business Registration Certificate with new company name will be issued by Inland Revenue Department.
5. Whether needs to inform Bank to update corporate bank account name?
Yes, you should inform Bank about the Company name changed and provide the sufficient documents for update bank records.

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